Belize book project

We are run by over 30 youth volunteers

Belize Book Project
Belize Book Project
Belize Book Project
Belize Book Project
Belize Book Project
Tek Time fi Read Belize

Welcome to the

Tek Time fi Read Project

Encouraging a love for reading in Belize by making free and affordable books available to children & teens

“Tek Time fi Read” means “Take time to read” in Belizean Kriol

Tek Time fi Read Belize

Welcome to the

Tek Time fi Read Project

Encouraging a love for reading in Belize by making free and affordable books available to children & teens

“Tek Time fi Read” means “Take time to read” in Belizean Kriol

Books Distributed
0 +
Book Festivals & Events Held
0 +
Youth Volunteers
0 +
Programs/Schools Assisted

WHAT do we do?

We encourage a love for reading by planning fun book events and putting as many books as possible into the hands of Belizean children and teens.
We believe that if children have access to FUN books, they will enjoy reading and not see it as a chore. Find out more

HOW do we do it?

Awesome people from around the world send us new and used books and we…

  • Give books to schools, programs, and libraries around the country 
  • Hold super fun book festivals and fairs with games, activities, and book giveaways
  • Have cheap book sales to make books affordable (and raise project funds)
  • Have monthly giveaways
  • Partner with other organizations to distribute books to children who need them

“EVERY child is a reader…Some just haven’t found their favorite book yet!”

WHO are we?

Just a group of young people who love their community😊

The “Tek Time fi Read” Project was created by and is run by the Belmopan Youth Spiritual Empowerment Groups. The youth decided to take on the goal encouraging a love for reading in Belizean children and teens. They came up with the idea of a FUN Book Festival to get thousands of books into people’s homes. The 1st festival was a success and over 3,000 books where distributed! The project grew from there… keep reading
Belize youth group

HOW can you help?

Donate BOOKS

You can't have a book project without books! Find out how to get books to us.

Donate FUNDS

Funds are needed to ship and purchase books and run events.


Join some of the wonderful organizations that have partnered with us.

THANK YOU to our Sponsors & Partners

Books for Development
Caves Branch

and our community partners and past supporters...

Belmopan Red Cross
Belmopan City Council
Belmopan Library
Belmopan Rotaract
Baha'i community
Christian Drama School
Belmopan Humane Society

and participating "Books in Bags" Resorts & Hotels

Cassia Hill
Maya Mountain Lodge
Beaches & Dreams
Iguana Reef Inn
Caves Branch
Books in Bags Resort
Books in Bags Resort

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